Dishwasher is one of the most popular detergents in this day and age. However, just a few people know this liquid contains countless toxic chemicals, causing serious skin diseases.


Detergent products like dishwasher are undeniably a useful aid for housewives in keeping their house clean. However, most of these products are extracted from chemicals, so if you use them for a long time without protection measures, it is easily harmful to our body, especially hand skin.

To be specific, when using in a certain time, it can cause itching, irritation, rash and dermatitis, especially those with the sensitive skin. Not to mention, these chemicals also have the risks to our health, even cancer. Let’s point out the toxic chemicals in dishwashing liquid without being known widely.

Silicate salt

Silicate salt is one of the widely used compounds in cleaning metal surface treatment because many kitchen appliances are made by metal. So, this substance often appears in industrial dishwashing products.

Silicate salts in dishwashing liquid can irritate our skin and eyes. It is extremely dangerous if users inhale for a long time that will cause some diseases related to respiratory, lung and chronic bronchitis.

Although the US Food and Drug Administration stated that using this chemical with small amounts still ensures safety, there have been many cases of allergies, poisoning, respiratory problems when being exposed to the silicate salt at low levels. The consequences will be worse if the victims are children or those with skin diseases.

Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid is one of the most commonly used substances in detergent products due to its effective cleaning ability, especially on metal surface, as same as silicate. However, this chemical can cause irritation, skin burns and skin flaking if it is used regularly. If sticking to the mucosa, it may cause redness and serious facial damage. In particular, this chemical is listed to the substances that can cause cancer.

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Ammonium sulfate

Ammonium sulfate is a salt which can cause skin irritation, especially for the sensitive skin. Long-term exposure will cause peeling, redness, and itching. In addition, Ammonium sulfate can cause asthma if it spreads in the air, or even causing cancer if it accumulates for a long time in the body.


Formaldehyde is one of the chemicals found in many cleaning products, especially industrial dishwashing liquid. When being inhaled this chemical, the user is prone to headache or irritating eyes causing tears. At the same time, it is also considered a carcinogen for human beings by the US Environmental Protection Agency and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).


Ammonia is a detergent used in industrial cleaning products, especially the cheap, poor, and unidentified dishwashing liquid. This substance is extremely noxious when being combined with detergents to create a solution for making books, releasing gases that damage the eyes and respiratory system, especially the skin.

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Triclosan has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral effects, so it is often used in some cleaning products, including dishwashing liquid. However, if you contact with it in a long term with a large amount, it will endanger not only your skin but also disrupt the natural thyroid system and viscera system.

SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate) / SLES (Sodium lauryl ether sulfate)

These are two substances used to make foam in cleaning products like dishwashing liquid. They are capable of absorbing through the skin causing irritation, resulting in 1.4 – dioxane contamination. If it is used regularly with a high concentration, it will lead to dry skin, itchy skin, rash and more serious forms of carcinogenic compounds when combined with some other chemicals.

DEA (Di-ethanolamine), MEA (Mono-ethanolamine), TEA (Tri-ethanolamine)

These substances usually appear more in cosmetics. However, some cleaning chemicals may also contain these ones, especially unidentified products that are easily absorbed through the skin and harm our health.


This is one of the chemical substances that often appears in industrial dishwashing liquid. They are not only harmful to human but also extremely noxious to any creatures if being released into the ocean.


Phosphates act as a water softener. It is a chemical in water that harms both humans and marine life when released.


Many people believe in advertisements that the odor in dishwashing liquid bottles is extracted from nature, but in fact, it is the odorants, especially the penta-sodium pentetate, to entrap consumers. Although no cases have been affected by odorants, experts believe that if we use it for a long time, it will affect our health. Not to mention, this is the chemical that appears in many cleaning products, not just dishwashing liquid.


In fact, the use of chemicals in cleaning products is unavoidable. Therefore, in addition to choosing safe products, housewives also need to equip themselves with skin and body protection measures against the effects of harmful chemicals. The most specific way is the habit of using gloves when washing dishes daily.

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Household gloves, the most popular is the rubber gloves with a sturdy, thick and long design fitting to the arms, are used comfortably. Therefore, when using rubber gloves for washing dishes, you will prevent chemical effects on your skin. Not to mention that they will protect your skin and nails from dirt, oil, and chemical substances that causes dry skin, soft nails as well as irritation.

If you worry about the feeling of entanglement and unpleasant odors of the rubber, you can choose the type of gloves that fits to your hands with floral print to increase the adhesion and treated with anti-bacterial deodorant, especially without causing irritation when using.

As mentioned, the use of chemicals in cleaning products is unavoidable. Therefore, in addition to choosing products to minimize the risk of harm or expect 100%-safe products in the future, it is necessary to think that consumers, especially women, need to actively prevent and know how to protect your own hands and body skin as well as the health of family members.